Friday, January 28, 2011

Sceneries have gone bad.

Have you noticed all the sceneries have gone haywire?

(By samijade)

This is really bad! We spend lots of time on sceneries like these and then Stardoll goes and basically ruins them!!!

What do you think of Stardoll doing this?!

The one and only..


  1. This happened to my scenerie too! It's so stupid! For the first time, I was trying to win the scenery contest, and now, my scenerie is ugly!! So I'l never win the contest with this scenerie...

    xx goedbloed

  2. That's happened to me heaps of times! Like the shoes go off and clothes and everything like flippen MOVE!

    iLy from-

  3. I just HATE it when this happens. I made one, that was really good, I had to delete it cause it did that! Ughh
