Sunday, December 26, 2010


I just made a graphic design, It was my first time making a hairstyle. I hate it!! But it was my first attempt so I have to get some credit.

Someone please comment and tell me how bad it is! I'll give you a gift or stardollars seriously! Just COMMENT!

xxx Lola


  1. i think its alright, maybe you could have done a side fringe or something, and i personally dont like the colour

    but thats my honest opinion, hope it helps :)

  2. You should add more shades of colour and add some shadows and lighting, and maybe it will look even better. Also, draw a hair outline first :)

  3. i agree with the others but otherwise good start. I wouldn't even know how to do it :D

  4. Honestly It's Quite Bad xD Lol , sorry i had to tell the truth. And about the gift... ;) My username is twilightxbabe
